Sunday, May 3, 2020

Looking Back a Few Short Months, No Way Could We Have Imagined This Weird World We Live In Today . . .

Just over three months have passed since we heard about the first case of C19 in the US, in Washington of all places, right next door. It was an ominous sign. A highly contagious and deadly disease had ridden to the US with a man returning from Wuhan China, to Snohomish County, WA. He came in contact with scores of people before showing symptoms. And it was all downhill from there. One case turned into 10 which turned into hundreds, hundreds of thousands, then a million plus just in the US. In February, an approximately one-month period passed with our president telling us it would just go away, and at the time I felt so unsettled. Though this wasn't the flu, I knew what nasty contagious diseases could do (re: 1918-1919).

As of today, May 2, we don't know if life will ever return to our accepted, comfortable normal. Watching TV dramas, I cringe when the characters shake hands, hug, or sit next to each other around the table, or when they are touching items others have touched, and don't use a wipe first. And no one is scrubbing their hands for 20 seconds or wearing masks! I have developed a hair trigger in a few short months.

No way could we have seen this quarantine coming from an infant 2020 viewpoint. On February first we stepped off a Hawaiian cruise ship into a rapidly changing world. We wondered if our flight home the following day would happen as planned. We had no masks, no gloves, no disinfecting wipes, but actually, those were not yet disappearing from grocery shelves, and it would be weeks before seamstresses like me were driven to research how to sew a quality protective mask. The phrase "social distancing" had yet to be invented.

This short funny (long as you don't think too deep) video gives me a surreal feeling. It has been only a few months since life got crazy, and only weeks since it became excessively crazy. What is disheartening about this video is that a few months down the road, say in July, are we going to look back at April or May and exclaim how naive we were? Or, if we had known what was coming, what would we have done differently? Maybe burrowed into a hole in the backyard to wait it out. 

On a lighter note, because we need to laugh, this is in response to the President's comment about disinfectant

Just for fun: 3 teenage girls made this video.

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